
Dr. Steven Fiedler

Associate Professor
Department of Biology and Chemistry
Fitchburg State University

Ph.D. University of California, Irvine
B.S. Michigan Technological University


  1. N. Bonifaci, Z. Li, J. Eloranta, S. L. Fiedler, "Interaction of Helium Rydberg State Molecules with Dense Helium," J. Phys. Chem. A, 120, 9019-9027 (2016). [pdf]

  2. M. Amara, S. Chaudhry, J. Diaz, R. Djellouli, S. L. Fiedler, "A Local Wave Tracking Strategy for Efficiently Solving Mid- and High-Frequency Helmholtz Problems," Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg., 276, 473-508 (2014). [pdf]

  3. S. L. Fiedler, J. Eloranta, "Interaction of Helium Rydberg State Atoms with Superfluid Helium," J. Low. Temp. Phys. 174, 269-283 (2014). [pdf]

  4. H. Zhang, S. Khodadadi, S. L. Fiedler, J. E. Curtis, "Role of Water and Ions on the Dynamical Transition of RNA," Phys. Chem. Lett. 4, 3325 (2013). [pdf]

  5. S. Fiedler, D. Mateo, T. Aleksanyan, J. Eloranta, "Theoretical modeling of ion mobility in super fluid 4He," Phys. Rev. B 86, 144522 (2012). [pdf]

  6. N. Bonifaci, F. Aitken, V. Atrazhev, S. Fiedler, J. Eloranta, "Experimental and theoretical characterization of the long-range interaction between He*(3s) and He(1s)," Phys. Rev. A 85, 042706 (2012). [pdf]

  7. S. L. Fiedler (corresponding author), J. Eloranta, "Nonadiabatic dynamics by mean-field and surface-hopping approaches: energy conservation considerations," Mol. Phys. 108, 1471 (2010). [pdf]

  8. S. L. Fiedler, A. Violi, "Simulation of Nanoparticle Permeation through a Lipid Membrane," Biophys. J. 99, 144 (2010). [pdf]

  9. S. L. Fiedler, A. Violi, "Simulating Carboneous Pollutant Nanoparticles: An Aid to Discovery," EM: Air & Waste Management Association Magazine for Environmental Managers, (August 24, 2009). [pdf]

  10. S. L. Fiedler, A. Violi, "Interactions of carbonaceous nanoparticles with a lipid bilayer membrane: A molecular study," Proc. 6th U.S. Nat. Combust. Meeting, Ann Arbor, MI 22E4 (2009). [pdf]

  11. S. L. Fiedler, H. M. Kunttu, J. Eloranta, "Application of mean-field and surface-hopping approaches for interrogation of the Xe3+ molecular ion photoexcitation dynamics," J. Chem. Phys. 128, 164309 (2008). [pdf]

  12. S. L. Fiedler, S. Izvekov, A. Violi, "The effect of temperature on nanoparticle clustering," Carbon 45, 1786 (2007). [pdf]

  13. S. L. Fiedler, K. J. Vaskonen, J. M. Eloranta, H. M. Kunttu, "Electronic spectroscopy of C2 in solid rare gas matrixes," J. Phys. Chem. A 109, 4512 (2005). [pdf]

  14. S. L. Fiedler, J. Eloranta, "Effects of static and dynamic perturbations on isotropic hyperfine coupling constants in some quinone radicals," Magn. Reson. Chem. 43, 231 (2005). [pdf]

  15. S. Fiedler, H. Kunttu, J. Eloranta, "Charge transfer states of C2 in Kr clusters," Chem. Phys. 307, 91 (2004). [pdf]

  16. S. L. Fiedler, K. Vaskonen, J. Ahokas, H. Kunttu, J. Eloranta, V. A. Apkarian "Host-guest charge transfer states: CN doped Kr and Xe," J. Chem. Phys. 117, 8867 (2002). [pdf]

  17. R. A. Nyquist, S. L. Fiedler, "Infrared study of five- and six-membered type cyclic imides," Vib. Spec. 8, 365 (1995). [pdf]

  18. R. A. Nyquist, S. Fiedler, "Infrared study of styrene oxide and phenylacetylene in various solutions," Vib. Spec. 7, 149 (1994). [pdf]

  19. R. A. Nyquist, S. Fiedler, R. Streck, "Infrared study of vinyl acetate, methyl acrylate and methyl methacrylate in various solvents," Vib. Spec. 6, 285 (1994) [pdf]

  20. R. A. Nyquist, S. L. Fiedler, "Infrared study of n-alkanes in CCl4, CDCl3/CCl4, and CDCl3 0.5% solutions," Appl. Spec. 47, 1670 (1993). [pdf]